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Henan Fangda Industrial Corporation Ltd.
Produttore di prodotti personalizzati
Prodotti principali: Frantoio, impianto di frantumazione Mobile, trituratore, apparecchiature di Screening, lavatrice minerale/sabbia
Classificato n.2 i più venduti in FrantumatriceFinished product inspectionRegistered trademarks (6)Multi-Language capability: Full customization
who are we
we are a mission-driven team dedicated to providing innovative solutions for your compact crushing and screening needs. With a relentless commitment to quality, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, we have positioned ourselves as The most cost-effective supplier in the industry. Allow us to introduce you to the world of upsen and our range of exceptional products and services.
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henan yukuang machine manufacturing ltd
Yukuang Machinery Factory, Dongxiafeng Village, Mengzhuang, Huixian City, Henan Province
from 2005
we have nearly 20 years working experience in mining manufacturing field
Wanted sales agent
upsen is looking for agency partners around the world
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Total Annual Revenue:
upsen-you good partner in recycling field
We provide you with cost-effective mobile solutions in the field of solid waste recycling
Our factory
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Fangda team
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